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Young people now have to make more decisions and choices about their lifestyle, education and future careers than any previous generation. Never before has the need for good information, advice and guidance (IAG) been more essential. The Government requires that all young people stay in learning (i.e training or education) until they are 18.This does not necessarily mean that young people must stay in school.

They must however choose one of the following options:

  • Full time education, such as School Sixth Form, a Further Education or Sixth Form College or a training provider
  • Apprenticeships or other work-based learning routes
  • Employment with training                              

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Entitlement Statement

All learners at Winifred Holtby Academy will:

Take part in a careers programme

Learners in Year 7 – 11 will take part in a stable, structured careers programme that helps them to understand their education, training, employment and other progression opportunities available to them. They will have the opportunity to:

• Develop the skills they need to plan and manage their own personal development and career progression

• Access relevant information and learning from taster activities and workshops etc

• Make and maintain individual progression plans to help them improve their prospects of success

• Offer feedback and ideas on how to improve the careers programme

The PSHCE programme for all years provides tailored, comprehensive careers and work-related learning lessons throughout the academic year.


Have access to, and support with using careers information

Careers information will be easy to find and available at convenient locations, including web based career sites that offer information on the full range of options available in education, training and work, and the progression opportunities that follow those options will be provided. Careers information is provided through a range of media including: books, leaflets and posters; software, websites; social media e.g. Twitter; information talks from colleges, apprenticeship providers and employers; visits to colleges, universities, training providers and businesses. These are:

• Clearly labelled and referenced

• Comprehensive, giving details of all progression opportunities and associated support arrangements such as financial help

• Unbiased and up to date

Obtain careers guidance that is:

• Impartial

• Confidential

• Focussed on individual needs and fit for purpose

• Supportive of equal opportunities

• Provided by people with relevant training and expertise


All parents and carers can expect to:

• Be able to make an appointment with a member of staff or CEIAG specialist to discuss their child’s progress and future prospects

• Have access to tutors, subject teachers and members of the CEIAG Team at parent’s information evenings

• Have the opportunity to comment on the usefulness of the careers programme to their children and how it could be improved

• Be able to access the current school Careers Programme Information

• Have access to the school's careers leader on 01482 847498 or by contacting the school office

Parents are aware of careers information through the academy’s information evenings.

  • Information evenings for all year groups.
  • Year 11 information evening that provides career information on Post 16 routes.
  • Year 9 Option evening
  • Parents and students have the opportunity to gain further advice from external Advisors (Connexions) and Post 16 Pathways providers.
  • Have access to the school's careers leader on 01482 826207 or by contacting the school office

Click here to view the latest Careermag for Parents

The Careers Leader

Miss Sykes is responsible for the implementation of the Academy Careers Programme. This includes careers lessons, employer engagement activities, the careers fair, face to face personal guidance interviews, Logon Moveon, apprenticeship information, work-related learning and career related visits. The full careers programme is available on the website.

You can find Miss Sykes in 2SS1 or you can contact her on 01482 826207 or email:

Information can also be accessed through the following websites:


Use the Careerometer to compare different jobs — salary, working hours, etc.

Click the dotted square. Type in the first career that you think you might be interested in and select from the drop-down list, then add your second and third choice to see the comparison.

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