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News & Events

Y9 Options Parent/Carer Meeting Thursday 6th March 25 - 3.45-6.30pm

On Thursday 6th March, you will have the opportunity to have a Parent/Carer meeting with your child’s core subject teachers – Maths, English, Science, History, Geography, MFL - we would encourage you/your child to make appointments with these teachers to gain an understanding of their current progress.

Your child will be given an appointment sticker– please check that they are arranging appointments with their subject teachers. However, staff will make every effort to see you with or without appointments. Alongside this, the Parent/Carers meeting will also give you the opportunity to help your child to make their Key Stage 4 options.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Your child will shortly receive a Key Stage 4 Course Information Guide in their PSHCE lessons. Please take the time to discuss with your child which courses they would prefer to study to GCSE level or equivalent as it is now the time to make choices. As well as using this Guide, please discuss with your child the subjects that they have studied on the Year 9 rotation – they may have gained some idea of their preferences from these lessons.

We look forward to seeing you on the evening.